Memory is not a friend, it is a foe. It is in releasing memory that all that can be known becomes accessible.
~ Almine
Delightful surprises await those who receive the Spiritual Journeys weekly newsletter. Sign up for the newsletter here. This week our subscribers received the gift ~ the Sigil of Power*, titled Trust Through the Surrendered Mind.
If mind defines and interprest all, what then is there to live and how can we ever live more fully…our lives will always take place within the confines of the circumscribed orb of the ‘fishbowl’.
Belvaspata is the Angelic Healing modality that assists to awaken as it reveals the underlying existing perfection through the peeling away of layers of illusion. Through awakening we can release the hold of mind and the reference points that define and limit our awareness of our own true nature, the One Life.
Trust Through the Surrendered Mind
Mystical Power Art by Almine
By popular request, Almine is now creating personalized Sigils of Power in the ancient, sacred languages of the Earth! Almine designs a personal Sigil of Power for you or any aspect of your life that you desire… a unique piece of art that is also a powerful personal tool.
Delighted to mention that today is our final day of sharing Braamish Ananu, the Belvaspata of Divinity. Now, how about humming a few bars of …The Song of the Self together? Belvaspata of The Song of the Self promotes the healing of bodily inflammation by resolving internal emotional conflicts. It includes 8 Wheels of Directions and 21 Wheels of the Songs.
How does this modality decrease inflammation? This Belvaspata connects with the same tone within the Infinite and activates within the person the Song of the Self Belvaspata that they are receiving. When a specific note is struck on a piano, the same note vibrates elsewhere on the piano. This is the principle of harmonic resonance that applies in this instance.
Today, we share the directions here. All levels of Belvaspata masters can ‘sing along’ with The Song of the Self. If you wish to do Belvaspata of the Song of Self along with another form of Belvaspata, the Song of Self is done first.
“Pain is caused by the illusion of separation. Separation is caused when parts of the body do not emit their harmonious frequencies — do not sing their song. Unsung songs lie like shadows in the etheric body. This body of Belvaspata is specifically designed to release the hold of separation caused by unexpressed frequencies.”
~ Almine
We are happy to share with you the following comments about our recent Belvaspata webinar. Also, please listen to the Awakening from the Dream radio show of 10/28/11 here – we share some updated comments about how to do Belvaspata for yourself – it’s a bit different than what we shared on the Webinar.
“Thank you for hosting the Belvaspata webinar. I do not have clients. Before that day, I had a feeling that I had been missing something about Belvaspata. The questions and discussions that day brought validation and elation to my use of Belvaspata.
I love the Kaanish Belvaspata and the Qi Vesta. From Qi Vesta I learned to enter into what is before me (That card appeared many times over the first ninety days and thereafter!) So my use of Belvaspata is for myself, clearing my illusions and those who may come before me at the moment.”
Love: Neresh-huspata
Praise: Blavit-rechvatu
Gratitude: Nusatat-ubesvi
Frank, California
Sharing a few of the Emotions of Recognition of Braamish Ananu Belvaspata… how is it going with you?
See comments on here , Oct 25, 2011 by Patricia. Thank you Patricia for sharing the biggest ‘ah ha’! Share your stories and comments with us ~ please send to [email protected].
Rapture: The recognition of Infinite existence in stillness
Arskra-minuvech-haraset Angel: Minaruch-sebatu
Reverential Existence: The recognition of Mundane Sacredness
Pilhivat-uresklave-minuvash Angel: Kirseva-arasklave
Braamish Ananu Belvaspata: This specialty form of Belvaspata is for those who have completed 30 days of daily Kaanish Belvaspata in order to purify themselves and their environments.
The major lightworkers must stop linear time – the movement of the vertical cosmos – by bringing a higher form of emotion into manifestation; ones not based on desire but on recognition of what is.
This creates a ‘language’ that can be understood in both realities so that the Ancient Ones can merge the two different realities by healing their own schism.
The words Braamish Ananu mean Holy or Divine Androgynous Gods. Pain has come through separation, through oneness all life flourishes. This Belvaspata of Divinity creates a timeless existence beyond mortal boundaries for both the one who gives and the one who receives it.
If you have completed the requisite Kaanish Belvaspata, we invite you to join us for one week of Braamish Ananu – dates of Oct 26-Nov 1, 2011. We are delighted to know of your experiences regarding your practice of Kaanish, Braamish Ananu or other Belvaspata! Contact Jan [email protected].
Introduction to Braamish Ananu
Emotions of Recognition and Rays of Motionless Luminosity
With gratitude and appreciation for the many blessings that surely flow throughout the cosmos and beyond from our shared experience of 30 days of daily practice of Kaanish Belvaspata! With the Kaanish we have prepared ourselves, our environments (work, neighborhoods, homes, etc) for the Belvaspata of Divinity, Braamish Ananu.
Braamish Ananu Belvaspata
The Belvaspata of the Gods ~ An Introduction
The translation of the Holy Records of Ananu – ancient tablets that preceded the Earth finding her way into this solar system, reveal the following:
There are two species that appear as man – humanity and the Ancient Ones. The primary difference lies in the DNA.
The human DNA has had 12 strands, of which 2 are visible and 10 are not. The Ancient Ones have 12 clusters of DNA strands, of which 10 are invisible.
The major lightworkers of the earth are the Ancient Ones and seem as men because they have forgotten who they are. They have assumed the limiting belief systems of humanity.
The Original Ones, or Ancient Ones, were created eons before humanity and dwelled in a different plane of existence that was more magnetic. Their memories are held in this alternate reality (a horizontal cosmic wheel) where they dwell as well.
The vertical cosmic wheel is where form began. It is where light and sound split from having been one and where time began. Time is the movement of emotion based on desire.
With Braamish Ananu, we experience and utilize the Emotions of Recognition (awareness and gratitude for that which already is), and the Rays of Motionless Luminosity.
When time is defined as the “movement of emotion based on desire”, we can then understand that releasing, dissolving and finally eliminating the illusory experience of separation will lead to the dissolving of space and time.
Living from a point of ‘eagle perspective’, without expectation and in complete surrender, we fly above the drama and the ‘bouncing back and forth’ of polarity and duality. We then can enter the place of Oneness, where no external power source is needed. Only that, which is illusion, requires an external source of energy. Almine speaks about the major changes that she has undergone recently and much more…. here, on Onkenbaar, our Dutch radio show of Oct 22, 2011.
We are delighted to offer you a recording of our first ever Belvaspata Webinar – first but not last! “Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Belvaspata, But Never Got the Chance To Ask!”
Our gratitude to all who submitted questions via email and also during the webinar – approximately 85 of our Belvaspata family joined us live. If we didn’t get to your question, we will try our best to answer it on the next webinar or here on our Belvaspata site.
You can listen to the entire 3 hour webinar at your convenience ~ we recommend downloading the file here – you can also listen via the media player.
A couple of weeks ago on Belvaspata – Spiritual Healing we were joined by special guests Lucy and Svetlana who discussed Almine’s visit to Chicago and Belvaspata in Russia! Plus we played two awesome audio clips from Almine relating to many themes that we have discussed on the show. To listen to the show click here.
When we think of the past as real rather than a dream, we become trapped by the cords of associations.
He who enjoys the discovery of life opens the doors of heaven within.
All that has gone before has brought you to the perfection of the moment, the beginning of timelessness and the birthplace of Eternal Life.
Belvaspata, Healing of the Heart is who we are, what we live and express. Join us LIVE and connect with community of Belvaspata world-wide!
Click on Webinar at the top of the page to join in!
We are excited and hope you are too! Join us here for the free Belvaspata webinar on October 22, 2011 12 noon – 3 pm PST. Please submit your questions to Jan [email protected]
Click on WEBINAR at the top of the page ~ See you there!