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Singing the Song of Self

Delighted to mention that today is our final day of sharing Braamish Ananu, the Belvaspata of Divinity.  Now, how about humming a few bars of …The Song of the Self together?  Belvaspata of The Song of the Self promotes the healing of bodily inflammation by resolving internal emotional conflicts. It includes 8 Wheels of Directions and 21 Wheels of the Songs.
How does this modality decrease inflammation?  This Belvaspata connects with the same tone within the Infinite and activates within the person the Song of the Self Belvaspata that they are receiving. When a specific note is struck on a piano, the same note vibrates elsewhere on the piano. This is the principle of harmonic resonance that applies in this instance.
Today, we share the directions here. All levels of Belvaspata masters can ‘sing along’ with The Song of the Self. If you wish to do Belvaspata of the Song of Self along with another form of Belvaspata, the Song of Self is done first.

“Pain is caused by the illusion of separation. Separation is caused when parts of the body do not emit their harmonious frequencies — do not sing their song. Unsung songs lie like shadows in the etheric body. This body of Belvaspata is specifically designed to release the hold of separation caused by unexpressed frequencies.”
~ Almine

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  • paul November 1, 2011, 2:40 am

    I am continuously amazed at the synchronicity of unfolding cosmic events and the way these events are experienced within the body. We’ve learnt that whatever one experiences in this moment can be seen in the cosmos and often look forward to the deep insights provide by Team Almine about these occurrences. It turnts what used to be obstacles in life, into a game of insight and makes these challenges more fun. Currently, many of the BVP masters here are experiencing rashes and inflammation in the body all pointing toward the heart centre. What timeous insight this “Song of Self” arrives at. Many blessing and deep gratitude to be part of this wonderful process.

    • Niels October 23, 2012, 4:52 am

      Thank you for your kind words, Paul.
      Team Almine