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World Belvaspata Day Video with Almine ~ Revisited

Greetings to our lightfamily all around the world!  If you somehow missed the video of Almine’s World Belvaspata Day on December 31, 2011 at midnight PST, you can click here to view it now!  We’ll also soon have it posted on YouTube  with Almine’s library of other videos.
In this video, Almine discusses the importance of Belvaspata to assist with awakening and to support restoration of aspects of self with the newest Belvaspata –  Healing through Oneness, The Integrated use of Fragrance Alchemy. This pre-release version,  precedes the book of the same name, Vol II of the Belvaspataa series of manuals being released during late 2011 and 2012  and is now available here.

This Belvaspata, through the use of fragrance, the Atlantean sigils, fairy sigils and sound elixirs and Belvaspata sigils restores ‘lost pieces and parts’ – the result of shock and trauma to the emotions.

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