Please join us on our “All New for Spring” radio show, Spiritual Mysticism Radio, with new hosts Jan, Simon and Tina to hear about Belvaspata in Russia – the excitement and miracles of this angelic healing modality as given by Almine to her students all over the world.
Also hear the latest cutting edge information about the “Akashic Records and How They Affect Daily Life” from Almine. Join us Saturday at 10 am EST, here.
This rare transmission, originally broadcast on a special radio show in honor of World Belvaspata Day, is now available on Youtube.
Almine received the angelic healing modality of Belvaspata in 2006 and has since shared it with her family of lightworker students all over the globe. Simon and Jan wear the Belvaspata T-shirt while visiting friends in Moscow, Russia. It’s available now on our Spiritual Journeys store, click here .
Belvaspata is the alchemy of revealing the existing, underlying perfection. Accomplished through angelic light and frequency, through the sigils of the angels – it can be compared to having their names and phone numbers to call for their assistance. It is magic of the highest order, white magic. How shall we define magic, the ‘magical life’? It is life lived without the gap between cause and effect.
Perhaps it has been helpful that a gap has existed between cause and effect on our pathway to mastery of our mind, body and soul levels, while learning the mastery of self, silence of mind, living in Eternal Time. The result is self-soverignty, self governance, sacred government of Oneness through self-government of Peace. If peace exists within, it also exists without. We hope that you enjoy the beautiful meditation as Almine leads us through “The Sacred Government Meditation.”
For more information about living the life of mastery, seeing beyond appearances and illusion – see The Science of Immortality and Incorruptibility, an online course by Almine. This course assists to release and dissolve the social conditioning and paradigms of the unexamined life and also contains several ceremonies including “The Ceremony to Eliminate All Disease”, click here to view this course on the Spiritual Journeys Store at
Talk about manifestation of desires…we just posted yesterday about retreats and if you have never attended one or even if you have, now is your chance to…as originally posted on Almine Diary, March 10, 2012.

We are so excited to announce our contest to win a meet and retreat with Almine! As she mentioned “I can’t wait to hug the final winner”.
The original contest is posted on Almine’s new Facebook page. It’s also the page where she is going to communicate with her light family most often, together with this diary. So, if you do have Facebook do take a look or enter the competition here.
If you do not have Facebook, you can still enter the competition. Just follow this link here.
Spring is springing and Life abounds….are you planning any spring adventures…have you ever thought about attending a retreat with Almine or have you already attended one? Those who have attended one, know this first-hand, but in case you have never attended a retreat, it is not only one of the most life-changing events possible – it is also the only time that you can receive all 4 levels of Belvaspata initiation at one time; usually there is a waiting period of 3 months with daily practice of Belvaspata between level 2 and Master level.
The reason you can receive all 4 levels is due to the high frequency of Almine’s presence and that of the other masters during a retreat. This is one additional benefit to all the other sacred and powerful information that is available to you during a retreat experience. We often do yoga after the class or have question and answers, pot luck dinners, etc.
You can read more about retreats on our Spiritual Journeys website, click on the link for Spiritual Retreats. Also here, on Inner Sanctum Forum – a lively and informative gathering spot for students of Almine’s work and those who want to learn more.
Recently we received a question about Belvaspata Healing through Oneness, specifically the alchemy of fragrance from Diane, in Canada. We post her question and Almine’s answer below. Thank you Diane for your question!
Q. With all due respect to our beloved Almine, the fragrances from the alphabetical list given in Belvaspata Healing through Oneness, ( click here to read a detailed description and to purchase) are given in alphabetical order and something about it is beyond me to cease the reason of that. Can you please ask her about it?
A. Dear Diane, I love it when you ask questions that fill in the gaps of my explanations, so never hesitate – I appreciate them.
I have said that scent is the sense that never fell. Let us look deeper into what that means: If something falls into separation consciousness, that means that it suppresses parts of itself to emphasize certain other aspects. Something becomes masculine because it suppresses its feminine. The miracle of scent is that all of the original plant fragrances found on earth (I say this because some plants are not native to this planet) have within them full expression to address total wholeness of the body, because there are no parts that are suppressed. In the case of the Belvaspata Healing through Oneness, it is the (Arcturian Fairy) sigil itself, used in conjunction with the fragrance (essential oil) that emphasizes certain of its qualities and frequencies which then awaken through resonance the forgotten frequencies that cause dis-ease. I was asked by the Arcturian Fairies to first complete my list of fragrances and arrange them as I would like them in the book (which I did alphabetically). They then told me which ones to put in and which to remove, and the ratios needed for the alchemy of the blends. In the blends they were very specific about which plants should be used together. Only when the list was to their satisfaction in that it contained the right fragrances, combinations and ratios, did they give me the sigils to activate specific qualities for specific parts of the body. Important news! I am having special fragrances prepared in Egypt according to Egyptian methods (the method of preparation of fragrant oils can be found written in the some of the walls of the pyramids). Unlike the oils suggested and used in our books and the alchemy of Oneness, these are not therapeutic but are specially designed to activate slumbering capacities within human beings. Because each person’s suppression of various aspects is unique, I will prepare an individual sigil to activate suppressed qualities and capabilities for each individual that orders a fragrance. They are so amazingly wonderful, you will want to live in them. By storing the bottle of precious oil on its laminated sigil, it activates qualities that are the unique needs of each individual.
Thank you again for this very good question.
Much love,
During the 2011 Angelic Christmas Retreat held in her home, Almine began to hear a 3 day sacred chant emanating directly from the Earth. This chant balances the masculine and feminine to bring oneness to the inner conflict of opposites.
This 72-hour chant is being recorded 3 minutes at a time. You can order multiple portions for yourself or for others.
The Chant of the Earth prepares us to leave duality and enter the reality of no opposites by creating inner androgyny.
Act now! The Chant of the Earth is only 3 days long in total, so once Almine has recorded 72 hours of chants, this product will no longer be available.
The feedback we have been getting on Almine’s Earth Chants has been pretty overwhelming until now. Just check out Rogier’s testimonial here. Thus we are really looking forward to the 3 days of chants on the summer solstice of this year and of course hope that you will join us!
Watch a video about the Earth Chants here – right now!
Another question and answer about Belvaspata Healing through Oneness by Almine. (Visit our store by clicking here, you can read more about this healing method of Belvaspata.)
Q. How does the Healing of Oneness pertain to the Book of Revelations in the New Testament?
A. The opening of the seven seals described in the Book of Revelations is in fact the process by which a human body becomes a resurrected body. This means that the soul and body, having first achieved an internal integration of masculine and feminine, combine as one. After that, neither death nor life keeps calling the resurrected person back. They come and go as they choose. This holy marriage between the body and soul to create the resurrection, cannot take place when parts of the body have died and moved into the soul level holding the inharmonious trauma of the past. This disrupts the balance that is required for two equals to remember their Oneness. The Healing of Oneness is designed to restore to the present moment, what belongs to the body and what belongs to the soul, that both may be in wholeness for the sacred marriage.
Belvaspata Healing through Oneness ~ some questions and answers from Almine. (You can find Belvaspata Healing through Oneness download here, on our Spiritual Journeys store, Belvaspata link.)
Q. How does the healing of Oneness pertain to the ‘fall’ in the old testament?
A. The ‘fall’ described in the old testament was a loss of memory that caused certain parts of the body to fall in consciousness. The inharmonious tone of body parts that are living below the consciousness of the rest of the body and in the past, disrupts the pure song of health – it is this the Healing of Oneness is designed to rectify.