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Belvaspata – The Beginning

Belvaspata, the Healing Modality

Belvaspata, Healing of the Heart, is a sacred modality that heals with light and frequency. This healing method is a gift from the Infinite to the cosmic races to accommodate the changing laws of physics that took place as all life ascended into a new level of existence in August 2006. The language used is a very high cosmic language used by the Mother/Infinite Being and angels alike.

The use of Belvaspata heals as the frequencies of the sacred sigils* are drawn to where they are most needed and takes into consideration changes that occurred in August 2006, altering the laws that govern all existence.
These laws changed as the frequencies within the cosmos raised us out of a cycle of existence in which polarity was the primary causation for cosmic movement. We had now entered a more elevated cycle of existence in which resonance became the basic moving force.

The most basic assumptions on which healers of all modalities had based their methods changed overnight. No longer did opposite energies attract that healing energy could gravitate towards diseased energies. Now they would reject each other.

It became vital that healers begin to utilize light and frequency to dispel the illusion of disease as under the changed cosmic laws, opposites would be attracted. The importance of working with Belvaspata is that light would now be drawn to illusion and frequency to distortion.
Belvaspata, in the language of the Mother Goddess, means ‘healing of the heart’. Whereas the primary purpose of previous cycles of existence was to seek perception (which is mind-oriented), the one we have entered has a different purpose. This cycle is like a blank canvas and challenges us to fulfill one primary purpose: To create through the heart.
The body of knowledge, which is Belvaspata, is a gift from the Mother/Infinite Being that we may fulfill the new purpose of life. It is here to help us create health, joy and happiness through the heart.

Belvaspata Updates following Recent Cosmic Change
Cosmic changes also impact Belvaspata. Throughout creation there are various states of awareness and awakening and Belvaspata supports each of them for the benefit of all.

Polarity and duality no longer exist. All energy and power is now available to us and inseparable from us. It is no longer necessary to pulse between the poles to create energy. This also means that light and frequency, now unified, no longer are opposites that attract; all resources are immediately drawn to where they are most needed. This is the same for the Pairs of Emotions, Rays of Light, States of Being and Heart Energies discussed later in this book.

As the purpose of Belvaspata is to remove the illusion of all disease, to remove the illusion of distorted emotion and to remove the distortion of light we can use Belvaspata as a tool to:
– see the perfection of all
– focus and enhance the perfection
– assist with the awakening of consciousness and to reveal the underlying perfection
– assist in the full expression of our being should it be blocked or not expressing fully

Belvaspata inspires the person (or a part of their body) to want to express at a higher level; and/or to let go of patterns and behaviors held in the memory thus releasing illusion and allowing fuller expression.
The ultimate gift of Belvaspata is to Align with the Song of Creation.
As an alchemical equation it reads:

Compassionate Support


Awakening from the Dream


Alignment with the Song of Creation

While doing Belvaspata, we envision the pristine perfection of all and know that the perfection already exists. In doing so, we assist and support the awareness of the perfection of all life. We look beyond the physical appearance and manifestation of disease to the existing underlying perfection; focusing on ‘what is’—perfection— and removing the focus from ‘what is not’—the imperfection.

Excerpt from Belvaspata, Healing of the Angels, The Healing Modality of Miracles, Volume 1. Click here to purchase.
*What is a sigil?  Click here to learn more about sigils.

Angels, Sigils and Belvaspata

Belvaspata is the angelic healing modality that uses light and frequency to dispel illusion and reveal the existing underlying perfection of Creation. The meaning of Belvaspata, is ‘Healing of the Heart’, in the sacred language of the Infinite.  Many Angelic beings are part of this body of information and are assigned certain tasks by virtue of their frequency.

What is a sigil?
Sigils not only describe what they represent but are a means to communicate with what they represent. For example, the sigil for love describes the quality or frequency of what is meant. It maps out the exact frequency of the emotion.

The sigil for someone’s name would do the same. As the person or being rises in frequency, the sigil will change to reflect that. In the case of angels, even their names change. This is why the angel names (and names of other cosmic beings) have changed as the cosmos and Earth have ascended to a much higher frequency. In these higher realms the languages are also different and reflect the higher frequencies.

When a being has accomplished a major task within the cosmos pertaining to the agreement they made with the Infinite, they also receive a ‘meaning’ with its accompanying sigil. When called to do a task meant for the highest good, that being will come if you have its name and meaning. The being absolutely must come if, in addition, you have the sigil for the name and meaning. Having someone’s sigil is like having that person’s phone number.

Belvaspata Business Plan for Prosperity and Blessings

What is the Belvaspata Business Plan for Prosperity and how can it be of benefit to me…where can I learn more about it? It’s available to you as a gift from the Seer Almine, here.

Belvaspata Business Plan for Prosperity
In a financially challenging time, Almine has produced an audio presentation for Belvaspata practitioners to create a thriving business to address the needs of their clients. This can be done from your home and produce supplementary income, though many Belvaspata practitioners have been able to grow their practice into a full-time profession.


Almine speaks about Awakening from the Dream  in radio shows of 2011, and living a life of moving beyond roles, expectations, limiting patterns and social paradigms. It doesn’t mean ‘living on a mountaintop’ or alone in a cave, but living on the ‘mountaintop’ of awareness and perception, the place of ‘eagle vision’   –  seeing farther, wider and without limitation.
A sacred chant titled,  Awakening from the Dream, was originally composed and recorded for an online course  The Book of Gods and Men. While it was being produced, a miraculous event occurred.  Almine recorded the vocals in the studio and several hours later, the vocals had completely changed.

Living Sacred Self-Government

  • Integrated cooperation requires roles. Roles require only partial expression. The creation of any pattern is a shadow. Therefore roles have a transient life limit.
  • Creations of shadows, the only way of creating through patterns, depends on light to cast a shadow, and frequency to shape that shadow. Light and frequency can only create mediocrity and keep us in lower levels of expressing Infinite intent .
  •  The tools of linear change, building blocks of existence and the matrices and grids; have been seen by us as the shadows governing life. But the true roles of these are the static roles that cast the pattern seen as tyrants.
  • Patterns will forever repeat while these static points play previous roles.

Exciting news of an inspiring event!

 Healing Modality of Angels

We are delighted to invite all to join us as Belvaspata practitioners from around the world unite in this unprecedented outpouring of shared knowledge and miracles on radio shows and recorded messages, streaming into your home. Enjoy listening and participating in Belvaspata events now through December 31, 2011 when Almine will share all new Belvaspata information during a radio show interview (details available soon).

  • An inspiration to all Belvaspata practitioners globally
  • An informative experience for those interested in exploring this miraculous healing method that is sweeping the globe
  • Upcoming radio dates and times to be announced; shows will be broadcast in English, Spanish, Russian, Danish, German, French and more!
  • Topics will include practical tips for the use of Belvaspata and sharing of miracle stories

Belvaspata – Healing of the Angels

 What is Belvaspata?

It is an angelic healing modality of light and frequency. The meaning of ‘Belvaspata’ –  in an ancient, sacred language, is Healing of the Heart. Belvaspata was received by Almine during a class in Ireland in 2006 and is currently being taught and used all over the world!
We will be sharing information about how Belvaspata works, how to learn about and use it for self, family, friends and others.  (There is also a specific angelic healing modality for animals, called Kriyavaspata – click here.)
We invite you to visit often,  to learn more about Belvaspata – whether you are a beginner or an experienced master, join us here to share Belvaspata!

Visit this site for Belvaspata Books and Music: The Seer Almine.Store Belvaspata