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As our journey of exploring the intricate art of healing and our responsibilities as healers begins, you are urged to remember that the more you grow, the more you will gain from this information. You may, therefore, wish to return to it periodically and re-read portions of it that new layers may reveal themselves to you.

Whether the techniques have a mild or profound effect on those who come to you for assistance will depend largely on how well you have internalized the qualities given in the Belvaspata section. Do not heal for the sake of results, so that you can remain unencumbered by the weight of self-reflection. However, you will become more and more aware of how healing frequencies respond to you. This, like the acquisition of any other skill, will grow with practice. The techniques provided give you something to practice with. The illusion of disease comes in an instant and so can healing, but knowing what to heal and asking the right questions in giving your client guidance is a product of humility; an openness to receiving information and of practice.

It is recommended that beginning healers form free healing circles as their time is available (evenings and weekends, perhaps) to develop the skill levels necessary for working with clients. Recognition of the divinity of those who come for assistance, as well as a deep and abiding compassion, can make even a first-timer highly effective. Always be sure you are not in a state of emotional duress and that you have had sufficient food and water. Take time to establish a sacred space and to cleanse it after each client. The work you are doing is holy in that it removes the filters that block the passage of light. Treat your healing room as worship space. Make sure that when your client leaves, they do not encounter disruptive or hostile emotions from others in the building, since they will be wide open and highly sensitive.

We urge healers to study and abide by the laws of the state in which they reside. In many states it is illegal to say, “I heal” and healers have to call themselves healing facilitators. In others it is illegal to touch another person unless you are licensed to do so. A minister’s license will enable you to do so legally. They are easy to obtain and can be kept current at little cost. Even though there are homeopathics strong enough to heal disease, it may be necessary to represent them as facilitating healing or as nutritional aids.

Dealing with these sacred healing modalities where the veils between realities become thin and the past and present merge with the future, takes great courage. With impeccability as your shield and in a place of balance that has shed the need to impress, your steps will be guided so you may stride forward unafraid to reveal the perfection that dwells in all beings.

Seeing the divinity within ourselves enables us to see it in another. To approach our fellow man as less than divine is to deny the Source of his being. He is an arrow sent forth from the hand of the Infinite, straight and true upon its course. The ancient Norsemen shot flaming arrows into mist to guide their boats safely into the unknown. In the same way we have been sent like flaming arrows to explore the mysteries of the Infinite’s Being. All flaming arrows are of equal value to the navigator; some tell him where it is clear to go and others showing where it is not. In the same way within the mystery of the Infinite’s Being, all are equal. There is much value in mirroring to the Infinite, through the experience of a life, that which It is not so It might fully understand that which It is.

Exerting influence on the life of another is a sacred, awesome responsibility. When our fellow man approaches us to ask for help, remember his true identity as a being as vast as the cosmos having a human experience and approach him with humility and impeccability. For in helping birth him into an awareness of the infinite possibilities that lie sleeping within his soul, we are helping him find the diamonds of divinity lying hidden in the dust of illusion.

There is great value in opposition and hidden within the shadows of density, lies the impetus to set us free from mortal boundaries. Without friction, no creature can walk upon the Earth. Nature has designed the opposition that any fetus must overcome to earn the right to life. In truth, opposition strengthens and, in a similar manner, we strengthen density when we oppose it. We strengthen the shortcomings we suppress and the illness we combat. Challenge yields perception and perception yields power. If we pull the chicken prematurely from the egg, it dies. If we remove a sufferer’s pain without assisting him to receive its insights, a great dawn of illumination might die stillborn.

Throughout the cosmos the Infinite has gained in luminosity and power, not by denying the unsolved mystery of ‘The Dark’ within Its Being, but by including it within the light so it might yield its insights. The greatest service we can render as the One expressing as the many is to remember who we are, for in this memory all is included. The greatest hardships hold within their overcomings the greatest miracles.

As wielders of power, our balance is maintained through constantly remembering that the insights gained in all of life’s journeys are of equal value in enriching the One. The vast majority of Creation falls within the realm of that which, from our vantage point, is unknowable. This eliminates the temptation to yield to the compulsion of the left brain to reduce the infinite to the finite. It stifles the incessant need to know and sets us free from attachment to outcome.

To sow in order to reap gives only the harvest as reward. But to sow like a pilgrim traveling through the land, scattering seeds along the way with no thought of benefit from their eventual fruition, is to become an instrument in the hand of the Infinite. We sow, not to reap the benefit, but because the seeds are in our hands and our passage blesses all creatures. As we bless others with the seeds of healing, let us remain unencumbered by self-reflection and unfettered by self-importance. Do not focus on the results of your healing; it is life giving unto life. You are the blessed flute upon which the Infinite plays divine melody. Be assured that, in as much as the soil of the soul is responsive, the seed will grow even if the fruit or flower of its maturity arrives long after you have passed.

The sublime path of being a blessing to mankind, shedding light on dark days, is not for those who pretend ignorance to escape culpability. It is not for those who hide behind false humility, which is simply conceding to the arrogance of another. Instead, it is for men and women willing to let their light increasingly illuminate with the soft flow of hope, the darkest corners of the lives they touch. It calls for masters with the innocence of a child, who freely acknowledge their inability to know the infinite plan of wisdom that shapes the lives of their fellow men. Through these masters, the Infinite speaks.

There are those who grasp greedily at every scrap of information, never pausing to incorporate it into their lives. They hoard and store and study knowledge as if by merely knowing it, they can gain power. Book volumes of information cannot enrich those who do not do the work within. Yet a person who has made wisdom their own, will find their lives altered by a single phrase. It is to them that I speak. It is my sincere desire to share with healers, through these teachings, the continual stream of knowledge I receive. There is no limit to the knowledge that can be brought forth on this planet, but it must be called through the human heart.

Excerpt from Belvaspata, Healing of the Angels, The Healing Modality of Miracles, Volume 1 by Almine.

A Remarkable Physical Healing

Since Belvaspata works at such a deep and profound level the changes can, at times, be somewhat difficult to quantify. Often patients will say that they feel ‘better’ and may experience a greater sense of well being but at the same time may be hard pressed to articulate exactly what has happened. They suspect something massive has taken place but specifically where is the evidence that they may show to others.

Of course this is not necessary, but on a recent episode of Belvaspata- Spiritual Healing radio show, entitled ‘Devi Satva Yoga’, Michael interviews his brother who was a first-time Belvaspata recipient who relates the story of his remarkable spontaneous physical healing – a completely separated and detached Achilles tendon, which upon examination by an orthopedic surgeon had completely reformed – and discusses how even this can be very difficult for the mind to comprehend.

I’d like to emphasize that it was not my intention to actually focus on healing the tendon itself, but rather acted to release whatever underlying conditions were being held and thus creating such a traumatic and painful condition. It was during one of the healing sessions that suddenly a tremendous amount of tension was released though out the entire body, causing the tendon to release a fall exactly back into place and then easily knit together.


COUNTDOWN TO KAANISH, DAY 1!!  Read more about it here.

Countdown…5, 4, 3, 2, 1…Blast off!  The 1st ‘official’ World Belvaspata Day event has arrived!   Belvaspata masters from all corners of the globe are invited to hold hands and hearts as we each perform daily sessions of Kaanish Belvaspata, the Belvaspata of Enlightenment.  What a joy to share this experience with each other and to know that all are blessed by it.

We invite everyone to join us for at least one week, September 23 – 30, 2011 though you may want to continue for even longer!  Share your experiences with us on www.belvaspata.org (our Belvaspata forum), email [email protected] or be a guest on one of our radio shows!  Miracles have been described as ‘that which cannot be explained’ but with Belvaspata and Kaanish – miracles become our everyday reality – share yours with us and all of our family of lightworkers all over the globe. Let’s spread the word about Belvaspata and what it can do, how it changes lives, one person at a time.

Silence of the Mind
Masters have the option of silence of the mind, which other beings do not. Silencing of internal dialogue allows for accessing of greater perception and awareness as resources are freed up from the constant chatter of  surface mind and ‘the need to know’. Effortless knowing is the result of silence of the mind. Use the sigil below to assist with this process. It can be posted in your home or work environment, taped to your chair or placed under your bed. See more about sigils here.

Sigil for Silencing of the Mind

(To silence the internal dialogue of the mind)


Wellness Concepts and Belvaspata – Part 2

COUNTDOWN TO KAANISH, DAY 2!!  Read more about it here.
Part 2

Those in pain cannot be judged as unenlightened because of misperceptions.  Many great ones carry the pain of others.

The greatest masters on Earth carry cosmic misperceptions.  Through inner change, they evolve cosmic unfoldment.

Neither welcome disease nor shun it.  Heed its guidance until the day when you dwell in a life of no opposites.

When duality ends, so does growth through opposition.  Knowing the unrealness of something is the beginning of its healing.

Belvaspata has been given to restore the proper perception (light) and emotions (frequency), removing the illusion of disease.

Wellness Concepts and Belvaspata

COUNTDOWN TO KAANISH, DAY 3!!  Read more about it here.

The essence of Belvaspata is the alchemy of revealing the already existing perfection underlying the illusion of what we perceive as ‘reality’. We share part 1 of “Belvaspata And Concepts of Wellness”, an excerpt from Belvaspata Healing of the Angels, The Healing Modality of Miracles, Volume I.

All diseases exist within us as dormant programs.  They are microcosmic representations of the macrocosm.

The misperceptions and distorted attitudes bring them online.  A change in these instantly puts them off-line and dormant.

Because they are like a computer program we activate, they are our sub-creation imposed over reality.

There are degrees of realness.  Realities individually imposed are regarded as ‘unreal’.

Many feel that to deny the reality of disease is to deny their pain.  Pain is the language of spirit prompting change.


Mastery and Enlightenment

COUNTDOWN TO KAANISH, DAY 4!!  Read more about it here.

What greater gift can we give another than the gift of enlightenment? Kaanish Belvaspata is the vehicle to make a profound impact not only on others but also on the practitioners who use it. Each time it is used, it brings us closer to personal mastery; that state of being in which we see from all perspectives at once and have the option to function from the silence of the mind.

May we receive it with gratitude, acknowledging with honor and respect its holy origin as a gift from the Infinite Being through Almine.  Love, Praise and Gratitude for this gift.


KAANISH BELVASPATA, the Belvaspata of Enlightenment!  An incredible gift from the Infinite – great miracles have been reported from Belvaspata masters and grand masters worldwide who have used this sacred healing modality of the angels. The most holy of all gifts a Belvaspata master can bestow on another is the gift of enlightenment. By connecting with the Kaanish Belvaspata sigils, a session facilitating healing could be producing enlightenment as well.

The invitation is hereby given for Belvaspata masters all over the world to join together in doing Kaanish Belvaspata daily:  Sept 23 through Sept 30, 2011. Many who began Kaanish as a daily practice in preparation for Braamish Ananu Belvaspata  (the Belvaspata of Divinity, more later….stay tuned here) have continued – they just didn’t want to stop!  They feel the benefits, miracles and  joy of using Kaanish daily. Belvaspata Angel Healing Volume 1 e-book. contains the heaing modality of Kaanish, available on our Spiritual Journeys webstore here.

How To:

  • Kaanish Belvaspata contains 5 levels along with The 144 Self Wheels, 4 Wheels of Inner Peace and 13 Wheels of the Manifestation of Mastery. All of the Wheels are to be integrated at least one time during the week, (The Use of Wheels, a guide to integration and use of wheels, is contained in Belvaspata Angel Healing Volumes 1, along with the Kaanish protocol.) It may take up to 1-2 hours to integrate all of the Kaanish wheels, depending on the individual. If you have already integrated all of the wheels, proceed with daily practice of Kaanish, it’s not required to integrate the wheels again, though it is always beneficial to do so should you choose.
  • We suggest that you complete at least one complete level of Kaanish daily.  With some practice, all levels may be completed in approximately one hour (not including the initial integration of all the wheels). Remember that the hyphens in the angel names and qualities are  there to assist with pronunciation. The angels hold the perfection of all with their holy names and sigils, so just knowing that you and the angels are a team helps build confidence in calling them – when you draw their sigils and call their names, they will respond!

Initiations and Belvaspata

How do I receive an initiation for Belvaspata? There are 4 levels of initiation:  level I, II, Master and Grand Master and several ways to become initiated. Level I and II initiations can be done at the same time with a 3-6 month period of daily practice of Belvaspata, followed by Master and Grand Master levels which can be completed together. The only exception is if a person is attending a retreat with Almine.  Due to the heightened frequency experienced at a retreat, all levels of initiation may be done without an interval between Level II and Master/Grand Master levels.

  • Initiation by a Master or Grand Master  may be done up to and including their level of initiation. Initiates are required to complete specific preparation work  prior to each level of initiation; the preparation increases their frequency and receptivity for the initiation. The initiator is present with the initiate for the initiation ceremony.
  • Self-initiation may be done by following the process given in Belvaspata Angel Healing, Volume 1, 2 or 3 hereThe information given includes working with a Master or Grand Master as a mentor. Mentors assist with the initiation process (answer questions) and also teach and support the initiate as they learn how to use Belvaspata in their daily life. The required preparation work for each level of initiation is completed to enhance frequency and increase receptivity. The self-initiate must also do additional preparation for their initiation ceremony, which they will perform for themselves.

Enlightenment and Kaanish Belvaspata

Kaanish Belvaspata is the Healing modality of Enlightenment, the literal translation is: The Cosmic Proxy Belvaspata.  It’s one of the specialty modalities of Belvaspata.  It can be used for yourself, friends, a family member,  a specific location or situation. Like all Belvaspata healing modalities, it works through light and frequency in a non-linear way, being drawn to where it is most needed.
How does it work?  Every sigil of Kaanish Belvaspata represents the cosmos, see this page. The recipient (person, situation or location) is the proxy for the cosmic well-being and the entire cosmos benefits as well as the practitioner.  Where such great service is rendered, a dramatic increase in consciousness is given in compensation. It can be used as part of a usual Belvaspata session or as a separate session to benefit cosmic life, the recipient will also reap physical benefits. There does not need to be an ‘ailment’ for Kaanish Belvaspata to be used.
Who can use it? Any level of Belvaspata master can use it – level one initiation is the minimum requirement.
How do I learn more about it? Kaanish Belvaspata is available in:  Belvaspata Healing of the Angels, The Healing Modality of Miracles, Volume I, 2nd edition (Plus: The Healing Methods of Enlightenment and The Restoration of Inner Divinity).
*This post updated 10/11/2019.

Infinite Desire for Oneness

Belvaspata assists to remove and dissolve illusion, to reveal the underlying and already existing perfection of Life and Creation. Polarity has been dissolved and all is one unified field of Oneness. Read about it here, Belvaspata – The Beginning.

Insights regarding desire:
Desire is the basis of keeping roles locked into place. To maintain a static relationship between poles requires equilibrium in the attraction and the repulsion of these poles. 
The attraction to the Infinite embodiment is called levitation. The repulsion to the Infinite embodiment that keeps us in a role is gravitation. Levitation is the desire for oneness. Gravitation is the desire for the illusion of separation (individual expression). The Angel of levitation is Spich Baruck.

Desire is agenda and creates relationship.   Even the desire for oneness creates a relationship of inner space when it is approached with an agenda of overcoming its opposite illusion of separation or of gaining ‘power, resources.’