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A beautiful journey through the 12 Pure Pairs of Emotions as only Almine can do a meditation. Belvaspata, Angelic Healing modality of light and frequency, has 4 levels of initiation. The 12 Pure Pairs of Emotions are the preparation for Level I initiation.  Our Belvaspata practitioners, and those who are interested in this healing modality, will love experiencing the 12 pairs of pure emotions in a meditation by Almine; the frequency and tone of her voice are beyond description. Enjoy the surrender to the Infinite expression of these beautiful emotions that replace fear, anger, pain, protectiveness, guilt, shame, etc.
We remind you that this meditation does not replace the personal process of integrating all of the 12 Emotional Pairs for Level I Belvaspata initiation (focusing on each pair in turn,  which may take up to 15 minutes per pair or longer) nor is it to be used solely for self-initiation.  Very soon, we promise…see our new book, “Belvaspata, Angel Healing Volume I” for more details on how to become initiated,  how to complete self-initiation and how to use Belvaspata as a healing modality. It will be available in paper and e-bk versions on our Spiritual Journeys store.
Meditation by Almine, music by Jami Deva
              The 12 Pure Pairs of Emotions 
(Click on the title above for a list of the pairs or  image below to print the wheel)


2012 Prophecies from Ancient Records

2012 Prophecies from Ancient Records
 As translated by the Seer Almine
From the ancient Lemurian texts known as the Hamagda, the foreseen challenges of societal destructuring in 2012 are described as a cyclical and foreseeable cosmic sequence.
The cosmic movement resembles a massive tube torus, or doughnut shape, that turns upon itself. The Ancients called this the in-breath and out-breath of God. Unresolved trauma is held in the gaps between breaths; the clearing technique of rebirthing is designed to clear this.
A ‘2012 phenomenon’ occurs when the Earth folds over the outer or inner edge of the tube torus of space and comes face to face with all unresolved issues. These consist of events that have not yet yielded their insights, creating karma.
With the multiple cataclysmic events that have taken place (according to the records these happened 1 million years ago, 800,000 and 75,000 years ago and 9, 564 B.C.), the souls on Earth have not been able to recover from the shock. Racial memory has kept in place the deep-seated and unresolved pain about Earth seemingly not being a safe home.
When experiences do not yield their insights, they beg for resolution by repeating themselves. This possibility looms in 2012. Although these doomsday prophecies could be seen as heralding cataclysmic events to come, there is a passage that offers great hope and an unexpected solution.
The Lemurian Text of Hamagda (excerpt)
“Savavech mishpata surech anas hirustat. Vilesklatvi burach sarunat hilesta. Skrivava miseret bravachbi usanat selhetvi kla-uva.”
From the few it shall begin. These shall bring great change. The many shall move out of harm’s way.
“Savahuch subrit aleskla hunavit serevasvi. Misuvach eleskla huba-vich selvesvi arunat. Stahubavil nusereret mishekle avach vavi hurestatvi.”
Only in this reality are opposites found. Polarity inevitably brings adversity. A few shall live where opposites merge and are no more.
“Kanus blavabit herek arnech selvahut. Aurs krevich preherenut savavi uklasvi brihurestat. Setu manash arsurat.”
The oneness comes to the surrendered life. It brings the rapture of extreme awareness. This reality averts disasters.
A New Reality
The passages (above) explain that this high form of consciousness, recognizable by its rapture and feeling of being in love with life, will create a new reality. It begins with just a few, but rapidly spreads through humanity, changing the prophetic predictions for 2012.
The new reality will be recognizable by an individual experiencing the following indications:

  • The light becomes more golden.
  • A deep, contented rapture is felt throughout the day.
  • There is wakefulness when sleeping and when awake, life has a dream-like feel to it.
  • An intense love affaire with life develops and all experiences seem extremely intense.
  • Life is seen through a poetic perspective.
  • Senses are heightened.
  • Miracles become more commonplace.
  • Timelessness is experienced, as space and time lose their grip.
  • Absent loved ones are heard and experienced as though present.
  • Intense sensory perception is simultaneously felt with witness consciousness.
  • Although sounds are heard, there is a silence that permeates the body, drowning out noise.
  • Bodily functions such as eating, drinking and elimination, slow down considerably.
  • The body can be reshaped and regains youthfulness as it loses the density that has been kept in place by the tension of opposites.

This state that is the destiny of man can be achieved by surrendering to the flow of life through the day, by living life as a poetic work of art. Furthermore, it is achieved by uncovering and loving the Infinite and by seeing it within its creations.
Several little pauses during the day to connect with the Infinite through love, praise and gratitude helps our actions to become gifts of devotion and assist in maintaining a deep, appreciative awareness of the divinity of life. The time for this transition is now.
Note: During the 24th of September 2011, Almine slipped out of this reality of opposite polarities, into the new reality of no opposites. She lived from this reality until she became dense enough to teach the Toronto retreat at the end of September for 3 days. Some of her students have experienced this transition as well.
This first part of the prophecy was given during the Awakening of the Dream show of October 8th 2011. The second part (yes, second part!) will be revealed on the New Paradigms through Ancient Records show, October 9th 2011. “New Paradigms” is a show where we share and discuss the ancient records (you can actually see them) that are brought forth by Almine. A short half hour show not to be missed.

World Belvaspata Day 2011 Calendar

World Belvaspata Day 2011!

Join us on Gathering of the Lightfamily radio show here as Jeanne, Shelley and Jan discuss your questions and answers about Belvaspata – we’ll also share how you can participate in Belvaspata Day 2011 ~ Miracles from Around the World !!
 Art by Dorian Dyer www.visionheartart.com (original art modified for our use here)

Almine came on our show last week, Belvaspata – Spiritual Healing, while she was here in Toronto and discussed some of the recent information regarding developments in Belvaspata.  You can click here to listen to that show.  We were also joined by Deb, a recent Belvaspata initiate who shares an amazing story of her work with a friend and cancer patient using Belvaspata as well as her experience attending her first retreat with Almine.

Kaanish Belvaspata ~ Keep On Keeping On

Kaanish Belvaspata Week 2
Hopefully many of you are joining us each day for Kaanish Belvaspata, the Belvaspata of Enlightenment!   There are 5 levels of sigils in Kaanish and also lots of wheels – including the 4 Wheels of Inner Peace, the 13 Wheels of Manifestation of Mastery and the 144 Self Wheels. Because the levels of Kaanish represent the healing of the fractured DNA of man, Almine has stated that it is imperative to complete the sigils of each level in order, to ensure the healing and restoration of the DNA in the proper sequence.  (More about this later from some information that Almine gave on a recent online course about using Sigils 1-7 of Level I.) For example, if you complete Levels 1-3 during your first session, begin the very next session with Level 4. You can work with the wheels whenever you wish as a meditation or healing tool, based on the quality of each one. You can also place them on the walls of your home or office to bring their special quality to an environment and to those within it.
All of the wheels are to be integrated at least one time as you begin to use this modality; integrate them following Level 5. Integrating wheels is accomplished by focusing on each of the wheels in consecutive order until you feel their quality within and it becomes part of you. Wheels in a sequence tell a story and are inter-related; portions of the story are an equation. In other words, they build upon one another, similar to the equation a + b = c. The equations of the 144 Self Wheels themselves, add up to an overall equation for the 144, which is Adoration in Action. The complete 144 wheels may be integrated in one session or they may be worked with in a number of shorter sessions.
The wheels aren’t necessarily used as part of a session of Kaanish, only the sigils are drawn and the angels called. In fact, once you, as the practitioner, integrate the wheels, they are embodied within you.
Suggestions: You could place some of the wheels on the walls in your healing space or near where you work. They are beautiful and powerful sacred tools and are a 2-D representation of an actual being. Remember the sacredness of these wheels.

How to integrate Wheels:

  • Lie down on the floor or on a bed with the wheels stacked immediately in front of your feet, lowest number on top, highest number on bottom of the stack.
  • When you are ready visualize the wheel standing upright below your feet (as if you are standing on the wheel). In this position, the wheel will be at a right angle to the floor.
  • Bring the wheel up through your body and allow yourself to feel the quality of it as it travels the length of your body from your feet to the 10th or Lahun Chakra, (10 inches above the head). Hold the wheel there. If a wheel feels ‘stuck’ anywhere, continue to feel the quality of the wheel until it moves freely.
  •  When you are ready, look at and study the next wheel. Feel how this wheel connects and integrates with the previous wheel. Now visualize this wheel traveling up through your body until it reaches the Lahun chakra. Once again hold it there and continue to the next wheel, until the sequence is complete.
  • When you have completed all of the wheels in sequence, you may get up.


Calling All Angels

Playwright William Shakespeare penned the words, “…a rose by any other name would smell as sweet…” in the play, Romeo and Juliet.  In other words, it is the quality or essence of something and not the merely the name that it is known by, that is significant. Almine speaks of angel names in the excerpt below from the Atlantean Book of Angels course.
“Not only do functions change as life does, but very often so do names of some of our most cherished archangels. There are, according to ancient Atlantean texts, 300 Archangels representing groups of a myriad of angels who are like portals of Infinite Intent. Their purpose of allowing the Infinite to manifest Its intent through them, allows the angelic orders they represent to fluidly change, while they do not. In the Atlantean Book of Angels it says:
Zela-hafrahim minassa rukpere nutkla vravis chelarut arazin mereshpa.
Three hundred archangels that never change represent the fixed points of the cosmic orbit.”
More Atlantean Book of Angels here.
The archangel formerly known as Michael has the same  quality (meaning his function or ‘job’ is unchanged), but his name has changed due to the ascension process. (Click on the image to view and print.)


Sigil for the Infinite

Similar to a mandala or wheel, the Sigil for the Infinite can be used as to tool for meditation or to enhance  your environment as it hold the specific frequency of Source. For example, it may be posted on a wall in your home or work, anywhere that you spend a lot of time. It can also be placed under a table, chair, your bed or in the area that you use for Belvaspata sessions.
Almine speaks the language of the Infinite: Sigil For Connection To Source (click on the link or select your media player)
The name of the Sigil for the Infinite 
Pi-helaa Stanuchvi

The sigil of the Infinite holds the specific frequency of Source.
Kaa iri vish esta, na nut klavaa haruhash
Wherever life exists, there perfection is also


ALMINE Discusses Belvaspata and How it Works

Belvaspata helps us to Awaken from the Dream. Almine discusses how this cutting edge healing modality works.

Purity of Belvaspata

Awakening from the Dream
You may have heard our recent “Awakening from the Dream” radio show.  Rogier spoke about some pretty startling information that was recently uncovered by Almine . He stated that Almine had heard the angels crying and some angels had even been imprisoned due to misuse of Belvaspata.  How is this possible?

Almine shares these additional insights: “Belvaspata cannot be polluted, the sigils are incorruptible – it cannot be tainted as the angels hold its perfection at all times.  However, the corruption that is happening is within the motives and agenda of some who say, “I will save you.”  This has been a hook for practitioners to gain access to others under the guise of healing, but with intent to create dependency. The angels cry when it is a ‘means to an end’, for the practitioner’s agenda. “

World Belvaspata Day, Miracles from Around the World is December 31, 2011!   Many activities are planned leading up to this special day including international radio show interviews, webinars, worldwide days of practicing Belvaspata and more.  We want to spread the word about Belvaspata and what it can do, how it changes lives, one person at a time.

On December 31, 2011 Almine will share all new Belvaspata information during a radio show interview – stay tuned for further details!

Our first global invitation is to join Belvaspata masters daily as they practice Kaanish, the Belvaspata of Enlightenment – it’s going on now Day 3! Join us when you can- we hope you are joining us daily for Kaanish.  In fact, we extend the invitation right now for everyone to continue doing Kaanish  for 30 days total.  When the 30 days is completed, those who haven’t already done so will be ready to use Braamish Ananu, the Belvaspata of Divinity. Remember, you’ll find lots more about Kaanish, many miracle stories and the latest news on this website in daily posts, including Almine’s Guidance for Healers here.