My deep respect and love is felt daily, as I connect with Belvaspata practitioners world-wide. They are the ones who are the spiritual warriors of the Earth, and in their efforts to dissolve the illusion of disease, they are armed only with love, praise and gratitude and the courage of their conviction that wholeness is man’s birthright.
My heart is with you always,
Angelic Christmas Retreat with Almine ~ December 2011
Newport, Oregon
December 5 – 9, 2011
A 5-day retreat from Monday through Friday
The old history that has been handed down about angels has kept us in an infantile state of understanding these glorious beings. During this retreat the glyphs of ancient scrolls will be shown as well as samples of angelic languages spoken by the seer Almine; acknowledged by scientists and world leaders alike to be the leading mystic of our time.
During this retreat you will…
- Learn how the orders of the angels were created
- Have the opportunity to photograph interdimensionally
- Hear various communications of Archangels translated by Almine as they speak
- Learn how to become a master in working with angelic techniques
- Understand how the fallen angels were created and where they have been hiding
- Find out who broke a hole in the separation of the angels of light and the fallen angels, enabling the penetration of fallen angels into realms of light
- Discover how humanity has been deceived by the imposter angels
Click here to register.
For more details, contact: Jan
Phone: 614-354-2071
Email: [email protected]
The 12 Pure Pairs of Emotions replace the previous emotions of anger, pain, fear and protectiveness. Let’s look at the core pair, Trust and Love.
Trust and Love
Trust and Love are the core emotions for the new creation of existence and replace fear.
As old programming of fear breaks down in every being, the new reality of trust must reveal itself.
It is, after all, what is real; what is.
All else is just an illusion.
Trusting that our lives are guided in every way by our largest identity that spans all existence,
we can release our attempts to control life. But what guides our highest self?
The One Life that sustains us all—infinite, timeless and vast.
In your expanded state, feel the essence of the One Infinite Being,
the serenity, compassion and ageless wisdom. Feel your expanded
being as part of this Infinite’s vastness and all-encompassing love.
This is what runs all life. Allow yourself to surrender to the guidance
and love of the Infinite.
The more we surrender to the One, to ourselves, the deeper our
love for all beings grows. We can include them in our love because
we see so clearly that the roles we play in our experiences are but
small ones on a small stage. When we look further, each being is a
unique perspective superimposed over all that is—just as vast as we
are and just as deserving of life as a part of the Infinite’s Being.
Allow love, trust and total surrender to flood your being until they
have become part of all you are.
Kannish Update!
The final day of our 1st World Belvaspata Day event, 30 days of sharing Kaanish Belvaspata, is Oct 21, 2011. We have 7 days remaining for sharing Kaanish, all over the world! We’d love to hear your experiences, stories, miracles, whatever you would like to share with us. Write to Jan, [email protected] – please give us your permission to post your story here, in part or entirety (or another website, possibly). Please let us know if we can use your first name and where you live – we like to let people know where we are…all over the world!
Braamish Ananu, The Belvaspata of Divinity will be our next event…stay tuned here for more details…
There is never a ‘point of arrival’, living our highest truth in each moment with impeccability. Impeccability has been defined by Almine as living the highest truth that you are capable of in each moment. How then do we define ascension? This question and more are explained in The Pathway to Ascension videos by Almine (more about that later). There are two main paths that lead to ascension: through the mind, using techniques that assist in learning to focus and still the mind (such as a visualization technique or meditation), and through the heart by living and expressing the 3 ascension attitudes of love, praise and gratitude. See our Spiritual Journeys website and store for free gifts, including the Pathway to Ascension online course, click on Ascension Manual here.
Belvaspata includes sigils for the 3 ascension attitudes and they are used at the end of a healing session or initiation, to close it. (What is a sigil? Click here for more information). Using these sigils of love, praise and gratitude assists in materializing the healing intentions and pulls awareness in. A ‘how to’ for drawing any sigil: draw sigils in the air, over the entire body or heart area or over a specific body part if given – you can also trace over them in a book or from a paper. Begin at the top left of the sigil, after that the order isn’t critical, just move from left to right on the page. (Double click on sigils below to print.)
- You are invited to join in a free webinar, “Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Belvaspata, But Never Got the Chance To Ask!” on Sat Oct 22, 2011 – 12 to 3 pm PST. Do you have questions, do you want to know more…how to use Belvaspata in daily life for yourself/family/friends, how to receive initiation or self-initiation, how to learn as much as possible about it?? This is your chance!
- We will have a Q&A session led by Jeanne (one of the hosts of Gathering of the Lightfamily, click on the radio show name to listen) and myself. You can send in questions to Jan, [email protected] or submit them the day of the webinar in our live chatroom. Details will be posted on, our weekly newsletter of Oct 19 and here! Please mark this day on your calendar and join us. If you want to receive our amazing newsletter, flying into your ‘Inbox’ each Wednesday – sign up here , ~ it’s like getting a personal email from Almine!
Angel Name: Nanuk-usavi
Also Known As: Pasharut – The One who Reveals the Folly of Pacifying Others
Function: The Welcomer of Creativity
Embodies the Principle of: Boredom has been the cause of much non-life enhancing conduct. It is the state we enter into when we think we have no options. Existence abounds with endless options. The adventure of life is to find them.
The angelic orders have been the keepers of alchemy, a transmutational tool. The 300 Archangels are the keepers of the Angelic Orders of Creation; they are unchanging while the Infinite appears ever-changing. Approaching these angels in the humility required to receive their gifts, alchemical changes in our DNA activate. As we embody and resonate with the qualities they represent, the full impact of their gifts can truly be received, changing to a God being while embodied among man.
Click here for The Atlantean Book of Angels, online course. Listen to Almine speak About the Book of Angels.
Belvaspata Angels and their sigils become part of us, ‘who we are, not what we do,’ as we integrate and embody their frequencies through our preparation for each initiatory level. We experience an alchemical change and increasingly become an open gateway for their expression.
The ultimate gift of Belvaspata is to Align with the Song of Creation. As an alchemical equation it reads:
Compassionate Support
Awakening from the Dream
Alignment with the Song of Creation
Seeming freedom from the source that expresses and sustains you, is extreme bondage to the web of illusion of separation consciousness. Existence does not entrust power to one who seeks a smaller identity.
Almine’s 2012 Prophecies from Ancient Records is now on Youtube. Stay tuned for Part 2.
Almine shares her insightful comments on Forgiveness and more here in an interview today (10/10/11) at 1 pm PST on the Cameron Steele Hour on Contact Talk Radio. Is forgiveness necessary or even possible? Join the show live at above link – we invite you to click here to learn about accessing the show live or in the archives as a podcast later.
2nd post of 10/10/2011