Adriana, South Africa submits the following miracle story of her nephew, Jacques.
My sister lives in Germany, and has an autistic younger son (two boys) he has turned 18 this year, but still had the brain development of an 18 month old baby, a very bad form of autism… still in nappies, not communicating at all, and in a special institution in Germany, only being fetched over weekends to go home.
I felt this immense desire to make communication with him (his name is Jacques). With the first two levels, the facilitation of Belvaspata was so immensely powerful – we were busy with a distance session for the best part of an hour of the sigils that came up during that session included DNA etc. It was immensely intense – the images that came into my space during the facilitation had been of these sigils moving into his body and mind, and him being actually quite impatient, wanting the next and the next etc.
I facilitated only that one session. The results blew my mind . Towards the end of September, I had communication from my sister and brother-in-law for the first time regarding Jacques. During their summer in July / August, in his class at this institution where he stays, he suddenly talked an entire sentence of the words in one of the songs that are played to these kids during their orientation classes (out of the blue). On his birthday towards the end of September, my brother-in-law fetched him for the weekend as usual; the person at the institution had a little birthday party on this Saturday morning for him, and the song “Happy Birthday” was sung to him as his dad was waiting. He started singing along spontaneously at the end with the last little phrase of Happy Birthday to you, singing the “to you” – my brother-in-law was stunned. I know this sounds like very little, but from not talking at all for 18 years, just sounds etc, a sentence and two words are immense.
I still haven’t facilitated another session – the progress in Jacques continues. My sister is a pianist, and decided to try and get Jacques to play the piano over the years. In the past 2-3 months, he has now started going to the piano himself, playing the left hand part of “Anna Magdalena” – with her hand over his, but for the first time playing the notes himself underneath her hand.
In the meantime, he has started calling her “mamma”and he tells her now “koekie” when he wants a cookie, or something to eat. Lately, he has now added “teetjie” to this “koekie”, meaning he wants tea with it.
Since then, I have been initiated into Grand Mastery on the 20th November with Paul, interesting date, 20 11 2011 – and am beginning to feel the desire to facilitate another session (but with the levels one and two, still for the moment). Whenever I thought I was going to facilitate another session before, it was virtually as if I was guided into a different direction, which I interpreted as the initial session’s benefits of the relevant Angels still in progress.
Although this sounds very silly possibly, Jacques has also become ‘potty trained’, is out of nappies and associating the bathroom and toilet for the first time in 18 years….and just one session… immensely powerful.
We thank everyone who participated in World Belvaspata Day, Miracles from Around the World!
We love to hear from you! We’re requesting that you send us your storeis of experiences and miracles with Belvaspata and World Belvaspata Day. You can post them as comments here on this site or send to [email protected].
And…for your isnpiration we share a miracle story on our next post, click here, that was shared in our chat room during the World Belvaspata Day event. It is really a powerful testimony to the gentle yet profound effect that a Belvaspata angelic healing session may produce – especially if the mind is not busy asking questions to justify its own existence and the ‘need to know’. In this particular instance, the Belvaspata master gave one long-distance Belvaspata healing session to someone who was not consciously aware of the circumstances, therefore was receptive to receiving its blessing.
How can we do a healing session on someone without their permission? The answer lies in the way that Belvaspata works; it is non-linear and works with light and frequency. We are not sending anything, we make it available and it’s drawn to where it is of most benefit. In other words: where it is most needed to assist in restoring the existing, underlying balance, the perfection of ‘what is’. If the person is not receptive in the moment to the healing frequencies that are available, it will remain in their field and available to them as a blessing if they become receptive.
We also have a free Belvaspata program called, Belvaspata Daily Maintenance Program, click here to view. This provides a way that Belvaspata masters can continue to offer daily support for up to 6 months after an initial healing session. Often people may experience a healing shift during a session but when returning to their daily routine, they may not experience long-term changes due to the hold of the habits and patterns found in their environment, family members, friends, work, etc -social conditioning and world views may predispose someone to possibly ‘think they know’ that Belvaspata will not work, ‘it’s too good to be true”. A person must change their conditioned thinking if they wish to release patterns of discord and illusion – they must ‘wake up’ and literally, heal themselves. In the case of our miracle story, the mind was perhaps not a factor of ‘disbelief’ and the grace of the angelic healing was received.
Belvaspata – Healing Through Oneness ~ A pre-release download is available now!
PDF & MP3 Download: Includes the Arcturian Fairy Elixirs for Fragrance Alchemy
The Integrated use of Belvaspata and Fragrance Alchemy – Promotes wellness of the emotional, mental and physical bodies through the use of the Alchemy of Fragrance, the Atlantean Healing sigils and the Belvaspata Emotional Healing sigils.
This modality of Belvaspata assists in integrating parts of our body that may have been left behind and prepares us to go into Oneness.
This pre-release download is formatted as an online course for ease of printing. It precedes the release of Belvaspata Healing through Oneness, Volume II, The Integrated use of Belvaspata and Fragrance Alchemy* – which will be available in Ebk and paper versions in 2012.
Due to popular request, the pre-release version is available for purchase now on our Spiritual Journeys store, click here.
*Note: The paper and Ebk version of Belvaspata Healing through Oneness, Volume II, The Integrated use of Belvaspata and Fragrance Alchemy will contain general Belvaspata (similar to Belvaspata, Angel Healing Volume I) and the Belvaspata of Oneness/Integrated Use of Fragrance Alchemy.
We’re so excited and we just can’t hide it….! We are delighted to share some details of our upcoming radio show event: Belvaspata 24 Hours of Miracles from Around the World! This fantastic show will culminate in Almine’s video address at midnight on December 31, 2011.
Click here to convert your time zone.
- Belvaspata 24 Hours of Miracles from Around the World
Friday, December 30 Midnight PST – Saturday, December 31 Midnight PST / 3 AM EST / 8:00 GMT
Visit the Show Page (click to the left or on the shiny button “World Belvaspata Day December 31, 2011” on the right side of this website- both will take you to show page.)
Click here to download the 24 hour radio show schedule for Belvaspata 24 Hours of Miracles from Around the World
Belvaspata 24 Hours of Miracles from Around the World
01 BVP Webinar #1 Jeanne and Jan 175 min
02 BVP Russian CTR Lucy/Svetlana 55 min
03 BVP French Genevieve/Marc 10.5 min
04 BVP French Karine /Marc 16 min
05 BVP French Murielle/Marc 11 min
06 BVP Greek Kostas/Evi 32 min
07 BVP Kaanish “Wheels and Sound “ -Avril 36 min
08 BVP Awakening from the Dream/Ghosts from the Past Niels 55 min
09 BVP Spiritual Healing, Best of Michael/Sandra 60 min
10 BVP Special Interview David/Jan 59 min
11 BVP Russian Lucy/Svetlana Translations BVP Webinar 1 59 min
12 BVP Spanish #1 Annique/Sandra 58 min
13 BVP Interview Annique/Rain/Lee 25 min
14 BVP Interview Annique/Rain/Linda/Ophelia 20 min
15 BVP Interview Annique/Rain/David 20 min
16 BVP Spiritual Mysticism #1 Antara/Tim 55 min
17 BVP Fountain Spiritual Healing Annique/Rain BVP Business Plan 55 min
18 BVP Special Interview David/Sandra 55 min
19 BVP Calling Angel Gods of Incorruptibility Niels/Else 52 min
20 BVP Spiritual Mysticism #2 Antara/Tim 55 min
21 BVP Gathering of Lightfamily Jeanne/Shelley 55 min
22 BVP Special Interview David/Annique/Rain 55 min
23 BVP Spiritual Healing, NEW Michael/Sandra 55 min
24 BVP Awakening/Transcending Duality Niels and crew 55 min
25 BVP Spanish #2 Annique/Sandra 55 min
26 BVP Gathering of Lightfamily Holiday Show Jeanne/Shelley 55 min
27 BVP Webinar #2 Jan/Marc 82 min
Sound Elixirs total
29.26 min
28 Awakening from the Dream – A Sacred Chant 11.0
29 Andromeda Barugala: The Flight of Spirit 2.48
Saradesi Music of Rejuvenation:
30 The Flight of Freedom (Transformation) 4.26
31 Desert Moonlight (Transmutation) 4.36
32 Temple of the Goddess (Transfiguration) 3.22
33-BVP Hubelas Compassion of the Goddess 3.02
34-BVP Uvalesbi: Symphony of the Cosmic Wind 5.28
See links for all radio shows at
- Almine and World Belvaspata Day video
Saturday, December 31 Midnight PST/3 AM EST / 8:00 GMT
Almine’s video will be available on this site at the times above.
On a personal note, it is with deep appreciation and gratitude that our family at Spiritual Journeys acknowledges each of you for joining us in celebrating Belvaspata on this first annual World Belvaspata Day ! A very special thank you to all of our radio show (and WebTV) contributors and to each of you listeing in; the richness and diversity of the contributions you each make as you walk this journey with Almine is beyond words. We thank you for your testimonials, your emails and phone calls – we love to hear from you!
In listening to our radio shows in Spanish, French, English, Russian, Danish and Greek*, you will hear the passion, excitement, love and dedication for Almine and her teachings. Most of the shows are about Belvaspata. They are all about Almine and the sacred tools, information and insights that she shares with us and the powerful effect they have to change lives, enabling those who integrate and live from this expanded awareness and perception to dissolve and release the tyranny of illusion, to live in the empowerment of mastery.
With love, praise and gratitude to Almine and all of the Belvaspata angels for the angelic healing modality of light and frequency that is creating unprecedented stories of miracles globally. May the healing power, grace and beauty of Belvaspata touch your life in a profound way.
*Visit for links to all of our radio shows and WebTV (Danish)
We’d like to share a few testimonials we have received from our Day of Silence event and various Silence Webinars ~ with gratitude to all who participated and those who have provided testimonials!
Dear light family,
i decided to devote my time getting my first tree in some 13 years and spending the time decorating in silence. My father passed this past january and i now have many of the family items from parents and grandparents around my living area. as i put ornaments on the tree that are mine and my parents and grandparents i felt like no time had passed from my childhood. that all is now. last night truly felt in all aspects like christmas eve. i could not believe that it wasn’t! i kept saying “this is christmas eve” and parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles ARE all very much alive. i also tend a feral colony and much connection from them with me even though they are just 1/4 mile down the road. i have really been into the silence since the beginning of the week and i have found that when i do interact with people that it is much more meaningful and joyous. I’d love to have another day devoted to silence.
Irene, US
The silence meditation is awesome, my husband and puppy shared this beautiful blessing with me. Would love do have this meditation on a regular basis.
Floating on an Ocean of Oneness. Thank you for all you do.
Many blessings
Denise, Canada
…Even though I heard/felt nothing but the Silence sparkling in my ears and through my being it was like the Silence was expressing through the dance that came through my body and at the same time I was the Silence. It felt immensely peaceful and whole and I was surprised to find how quickly the webinar was over. Beautiful and vast beyond words…….
Thank you to all that participate(d),
Katja (Curaçao)
Belvaspata Miracles and Mastery Revealed at Midnight
You, our lightfamily members all around the world, are invited to join us for 24 hours of Belvaspata! We’ll be streaming non-stop radio shows, interviews and all sorts of contributions for your enjoyment. We will be posting a schedule on this website for your convenience.
Join us beginning at midnight December 30, PST, continuing up to the live broadcast video of Almine revealing a new body of Belvaspata information at the stroke of midnight on December 31, 2011 PST. (Almine’s video will be available so that all may view it according to their time zone; note the World Belvaspata shiny button on the right side of this page!)
The new body of information, Belvaspata Healing through Oneness, Volume II – The Integrated Use of Belvaspata and Fragrance Alchemy, assists in restoring our individual songs and the song of the Earth (available in Ebk and paper version soon).
Belvaspata, Healing through Oneness, an excerpt from the book, includes the Atlantean and Belvaspata sigils, Fragrance Alchemy, Fairy sigils and sound elixirs. It will be available for purchase as a downloadable product on our Spiritual Journeys store following Almine’s video address.
Visit Show Page
Belvaspata, Angel Healing, Volume I is available in paper version, click here.
The Healing Modality of Miracles
Plus: The Healing Methods of Enlightenment and Restoration of Inner Divinity
Includes Belvaspata – Angel Healing, a 46 minute audio recording by Almine, to assist with pronunciation of the Angel names and Sigils used in Self-initiation. This file is an MP3 Download.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced master of the miraculous healing modality of Belvaspata, this comprehensive guide is an information rich handbook that will serve as your most valuable tool – a compendium of information including preparation for initiation, ‘how-to’ for healing sessions and for self-initiation. In addition, each volume contains specialty modalities of Belvaspata providing everything you need to know to establish yourself as a practitioner of this miraculous healing modality of the angels.
Volume 1 includes these Belvaspata specialty modalities
· Kaanish – The Healing Modality of Enlightenment
An incredible gift from the Infinite – the most holy of all gifts that can be bestowed by a master upon another is the gift of enlightenment.
· The Song of the Self
Promotes the healing of bodily inflammation by resolving internal emotional conflicts.
· Braanmish Ananu
Promotes the illumination of Inner Divinity.
“I’m really impressed with Almine and the integrity of her revelations.
My respect for her is immense and I hope that others will find as much
value in her teachings as I have.”
Dr. Fred Bell
Former NASA Scientist
On the 24th of December 2011, a most momentous event occurred in the cosmos: “the in breath and out breath of God”, the movement of the cosmic tube torus came to a stop. This put an end to cosmic linear time. This was the beginning of life unfolding through the alternating emphasis of cosmic tones – the song of creation.
Called the “Calendar of Oneness”, it is designed for a life of no opposites; existence beyond duality, spontaneously unfolding. The calendar week begins on Sunday.
From life unfolding as a living work of art and the full surrender to the song of Infinite Expression, the following 7 tones are given. They don’t pre-exist. After the tones of the week have been expressed, the next seven tones are created. Click here to download Week 1 of the Calendar of Oneness.
See the video of Almine as she explains the phenomenon of 2012 on our Spiritual Journeys home site, click here: 2012 is a Condition (Not a Calendar Year).
Almine’s Christmas Message
The first show will be broadcast on Saturday, December 24 at 11 AM PST / 2 PM EST / 19:00 GMT – click here to visit
The second show will be broadcast on Saturday December 24 at 1 PM PST / 4 PM EST / 21:00 GMT – click here to visit
Almine answered the question “What is the meaning of the Christmas holiday and if we feel so guided, how can we celebrate outside of the paradigm of traditional religion, family, social conditioning that equates the ‘Holiday Season’ with spending money and shopping.
Treasuring moments of fluidity in being, the Infinite moment and rebirth into Oneness is one way that we can appreciate and value this time of celebration and gathering of family and friends. We invite you to visit with Yolanda, Maryland USA and how she decorated her tree with sigils of Belvaspata. What is a sigil? Click here to learn more about sigils; what is Belvaspata, click here – for more information.
A Christmas tesitimonial and photo from Yolanda, Maryland USA
“…perhaps you and the team can witness what creativity the silence is invoking. I am forever grateful to Almine for the impeccable and unconditional Mastery she embodies. I likewise sooo appreciate all of team’s efforts … you, Niels, Rogier, David, Chris and all the radio hosts are being impeccable in maintaining and transmitting Almine’s work; become my retreat when I am not able to attend. Your visibility encourages deeply my own efforts I can only use silence to express my gratitude. In Oneness, Yolanda