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Meditation: Internalizing the 12 Pairs of Pure Emotions by Almine

A beautiful journey through the 12 Pure Pairs of Emotions as only Almine can do a meditation. Belvaspata, Angelic Healing modality of light and frequency, has 4 levels of initiation. The 12 Pure Pairs of Emotions are the preparation for Level I initiation.  Our Belvaspata practitioners, and those who are interested in this healing modality, will love experiencing the 12 pairs of pure emotions in a meditation by Almine; the frequency and tone of her voice are beyond description. Enjoy the surrender to the Infinite expression of these beautiful emotions that replace fear, anger, pain, protectiveness, guilt, shame, etc.
We remind you that this meditation does not replace the personal process of integrating all of the 12 Emotional Pairs for Level I Belvaspata initiation (focusing on each pair in turn,  which may take up to 15 minutes per pair or longer) nor is it to be used solely for self-initiation.  Very soon, we promise…see our new book, “Belvaspata, Angel Healing Volume I” for more details on how to become initiated,  how to complete self-initiation and how to use Belvaspata as a healing modality. It will be available in paper and e-bk versions on our Spiritual Journeys store.
Meditation by Almine, music by Jami Deva
              The 12 Pure Pairs of Emotions 
(Click on the title above for a list of the pairs or  image below to print the wheel)


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