Global Health Symposium for Lightworkers
Start: December 31, 2012 – 7:00 pm Pacific
End: January 1, 2013 – 12:20am Pacific (12:00 – 12:20 Almine’s Address)
Almine presents the Global Health Symposium for Lightworkers!
At the launching of Almine’s The Handbook for Healers on New Year’s Eve 2012, a free symposium will be offered on health and wellbeing. This global online event will bring together speakers from around the world, addressing diverse health-related topics and culminates at midnight PST when Almine will speak to the participants on the release of Aranash Suba Yoga and why it’s called ‘the yoga of enlightenment’.
Moreover, she will address the increased electric charge in the cosmos and why this is causing health crises for lightworkers in particular. Almine will introduce solutions for this situation and also explain the role of supplements in a self-sovereign existence.
Limited Edition Wheels
Made exclusively for participants, Almine will be releasing a set of 4 wheels that embody the components required to attain a state of eternal life for the body.
These set of 4 wheels, along with a fifth given during the event, create an alchemical equation allowing access to all dimensions, opening up abilities to have a magical life. These four wheels will be given a week prior to the New Year to all registered participants.
New Book Releases!
The Handbook for Healers – is a huge compendium (over 600 pages) of practical and spiritual guidance gleaned from the globally acclaimed Seer Almine’s advice to her students during the past decade. This book is an invaluable tool for anyone interested in self-healing or the healing of others. It reveals vital information on rejuvenating the body and understanding its communication through the language of pain, and many more empowering insights.
Aranash Suba Yoga, the Yoga of Enlightenment – This yoga works at a deep core level to assist with releasing trauma, specifically through the effects that the postures, meditations and stretches have on the psoas muscle. The philosophy of this yoga is to turn its back on the illusions of the matrices and to embrace the contradiction of an existence of no opposites. The overall benefit of Aranash Suba yoga is to release the hold of illusion and strengthen the Eternal Song of the Infinite within.
Global Community
There are plenty of pre-planned activities leading up to the event at the end of the year. We encourage you to join in, share and interact with the global light family in our social network, Ascension.Net.. Complete with a live chatroom, discussion forums and sound healing music – We hope to make this event a social celebration for everyone to enjoy!
This is a free event and does not require registration to join. We encourage everyone to invite friends and family as we celebrate the end of linear time and bring forth the new.
Registration: Free

ALMINE speaks about the event: Global Health Symposium for Lightworkers
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