COUNTDOWN TO KAANISH, DAY 1!! Read more about it here.
Countdown…5, 4, 3, 2, 1…Blast off! The 1st ‘official’ World Belvaspata Day event has arrived! Belvaspata masters from all corners of the globe are invited to hold hands and hearts as we each perform daily sessions of Kaanish Belvaspata, the Belvaspata of Enlightenment. What a joy to share this experience with each other and to know that all are blessed by it.
We invite everyone to join us for at least one week, September 23 – 30, 2011 though you may want to continue for even longer! Share your experiences with us on (our Belvaspata forum), email [email protected] or be a guest on one of our radio shows! Miracles have been described as ‘that which cannot be explained’ but with Belvaspata and Kaanish – miracles become our everyday reality – share yours with us and all of our family of lightworkers all over the globe. Let’s spread the word about Belvaspata and what it can do, how it changes lives, one person at a time.
Silence of the Mind
Masters have the option of silence of the mind, which other beings do not. Silencing of internal dialogue allows for accessing of greater perception and awareness as resources are freed up from the constant chatter of surface mind and ‘the need to know’. Effortless knowing is the result of silence of the mind. Use the sigil below to assist with this process. It can be posted in your home or work environment, taped to your chair or placed under your bed. See more about sigils here.
Sigil for Silencing of the Mind
(To silence the internal dialogue of the mind)

Hi Jan-Intuitively I used this sigil with every session since it appeared online. I always wondered if there was an angel that is associated with this sigil since none was provided. Another sigil that I was guided to use was the Sigil for Presence that was provided in the original Initiation Manual. I find it is needed in every session because it is so intricately woven with the first sigils: Love and Trust. Another thought: since the pineal gland is a portal for the we have a Belvaspata Sigil to harmonize our frequencies with this gland. Thanks Lots, Joy and Giggles, Susan
Dear Susan,
Thank you for leaving a message! The only sigils I can think of for the pineal is a sigil that was shared during the Down the Rabbit Hole, episode 5 – The Sacred Sigils of the Sixteen Rays of Light.
You can find that here (Down the Rabbit Hole month 2):
Team Almine
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