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Belvaspata Light and Frequency in South Africa

We have been visiting Johannesburg, South Africa, to share Belvaspata and other teachings of Almine. During an interview with Kate Turkington, on her weekly radio show called “Believe It or Not”, Jan’s friends took this interesting photo (thank you Paul).

Students here in South Africa enjoyed the classes for Belvaspata Healing through Oneness and the Yoga of Enlightenment, Aranash Suba Yoga. This yoga will be available to the public following the Global Health Symposium for Lightworkers, see the post of  September 13, 2012 here.

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  • Dhani November 10, 2012, 12:07 pm

    Holy Cow! That’s amazing Jan! How wonderful to hear about such, over the top, enthusiasm for Almine and Belvaspata in S. Africa. So happy you have made this journey and our hearts have grown bigger and brighter with it 🙂