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Almine's Message to Belvaspata Masters

My deep respect and love is felt daily, as I connect with Belvaspata practitioners world-wide. They are the ones who are the spiritual warriors of the Earth, and in their efforts to dissolve the illusion of disease, they are armed only with love, praise and gratitude and the courage of their conviction that wholeness is man’s birthright.
My heart is with you always,

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  • Sandra Saradesi October 21, 2011, 9:35 pm

    Beloved Almine,
    Your message has touched me deeply as you gifted us with the most beautiful and most powerful modality: Belvaspata. Its truly with the utmost reverence that that I devote myself to the sacred blessing of Belvaspata given to us by the Infinite.
    With the deepest Love, Praise and Gratitude!