Allopathic medical studies report that often persons who experience
an extreme shock such as a death in the family, illness, loss of a job,
divorce, etc. can develop cancer within one year following such a shock.
The experience of loss in our lives may create an ‘empty place’ within
and in such cases we may develop a condition to fill the ‘emptiness’.
Cancer can result from a lack of presence in a certain area of the
body. If the cancer is there, a piece of you has been abandoned. Which
piece of your life have you abandoned? This abandonment of self can be described as ‘not being at home for ourselves’. When we are ‘not home for ourselves’, we may be living the expectations, dreams, ideals and wishes of another and not living our own passion and joy – we essentially have created an empty space inside. Because nature abhors a vacuum, our bodies strive to create balance by filling our empty space.
Cancer studies have also reported that women tend to develop breast cancer when their ‘heart is broken’, whereas men are more likely to have a heart attack.
For more information on cancer see the Belvaspata Volumed Set, to be released in 2014. See the “A-Z” section of Handbook for Healers for more information about health information by Almine.
See the Belvaspata ‘Sigil for Presence’ below for use with healing of cancer (click on the sigil to enlarge on a separate page). For more information about Belvaspata Angelic Healing modality see this post, “What is Belvaspata“. For details about the meaning and use of sigils, see this post, “Angels and Sigils of Belvaspata“.

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