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Belvaspata Healing

We hope that you enjoy the following article written by a student of Almine.
Belvaspata was channeled into our contemporary consciousness by mystic Almine Barton. Although left-brain-thinking individuals may have difficulty absorbing her intuitive teachings, she has profoundly influenced the lives of many, including myself.  Even the most scientifically inclined seem to open up to the seemingly miraculous in her ethereal presence. It is difficult to logically think through the Belvaspata-healing process. One must feel, sense, and tune into the energies, surrendering to Shakespeare’s wisdom: “There are more things in Heaven and Earth than in your philosophy.”
Consciousness-Driven Healing
In spite of the inherent challenge, I will try to place Belvaspata in a context that will foster some understanding. Basically, as underscored by many spiritual traditions, we are prisoners of our perceptual paradigms of how we think the world should function. If we shift our consciousness through, for example, Almine’s presence or Belvaspata-mediated mechanisms, the perceptual prison starts to tumble, and mind-body-spirit healing energies previously held in abeyance flow in.
Consciousness-driven healing is not just metaphysical hokum. Indeed, numerous studies demonstrate that the consciousness, emotions, and attitudes we embrace can affect our health. For example, scientists have started using the emerging field of epigenetics to explain how consciousness can affect gene expression and, as a result, our physicality and health. In other words, we are not merely a hard-wired beneficiary or victim of our genetics. We have choices; what we think and do can very much influence which genes are turned on, and to what degree.
Insights on Consciousness – Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East
“As the cell divides and creates a new cell, our thought is implanted upon it…In the first cell, all is perfect. That cell was first known as the Christ cell. It is always just as young as ever it was. It never takes on old age. It is the primal spark of life. When we implant in it our thoughts of limitation or old age, or any condition outside of perfection, the body responds. Cells born from the first cell take on its image. Originally it is the image and likeness of God. It is perfect in every way. But it becomes the form we carry in our minds…if we carry the image of perfection always, what will it do for these cells? It will build perfection.”
Belvaspata Healing with Light & Frequency
As described, Belvaspata is a “sacred modality that heals with light and frequency.” It attempts to dispel the illusion underlying disease that separates us from our greater oneness with all of its healing potential. With Belvaspata, light is drawn to illusion and frequency to distortion. Because “polarity and duality no longer exist,” all healing energies become available to us.
With Belvaspata, “we look beyond the physical appearance and manifestation of disease to the existing underlying perfection, focusing on ‘what is’ (i.e., perfection) and removing the focus from ‘what is not’ (i.e., imperfection).”
Belvaspata healing is mediated through the use of unique sigils. Historically, sigils have been considered magical or alchemical symbols. The term may derive from the Hebrew segula, meaning, a “word, action, or item of spiritual effect,” one which improves a condition or protects one from harm.
In modern days, some individuals have created their own sigils, devising unique ways of “charging” them with metaphysical power. For example, English artist Austin Osmand Spare developed a method by which “the words of a statement of intent are reduced into an abstract design; the sigil is then charged with the will of the creator”. He “elaborated his sigils by condensing letters of the alphabet into diagrammatic glyphs of desire, which were to be integrated into postural (yoga-like) practices—”monograms of thought, for the government of energy.”
Almine’s sigils are ancient. Specifically, through her spiritual channeling, tapping into deeply buried aspects of, as Carl Jung described, our collective unconscious, she brought forth sigils from the mythical Lemuria. According to Theosophical Society founder Helena Blavatsky and others, Lemuria was an antediluvian civilization of an earlier race of men that predated even the legendary Atlantis.
Sigils vs. Symbols
As Almine emphasizes, sigils are not mere symbols. Specifically, whereas a symbol represents something, a sigil describes something. An example of a symbol is the Mercedes-Benz logo, which triggers thoughts of affluence and engineering quality. In another example, a Christian cross could generate very different emotional reactions depending upon one’s religious background and perceptions. Another cross that can also trigger widely differing reactions is the swastika. Most familiar with the Nazi swastika and its holocaust associations, Westerners are often startled to see swastikas drawn on doors and entrances in Hindu communities. For Hindus, however, the swastika is an ancient symbol inviting the goddess of wealth, prosperity, and fortune to come in.  Clearly, the psychic energy triggered by a swastika is different for a Hindu than it would be for a World War II veteran.
Words too are symbols, conveying different meanings based upon individual perceptions and consciousness. For example, the word “love” has diverse meanings depending upon context. The ancient Greeks used eros for erotic love, philos for love of friendship, and agape for divine-spark love. In contrast, the sigil for love “describes the quality or frequency of what is meant.” “It maps out the exact frequency of the emotion,” independent of one’s perceptions. When it comes to energetic meaning, they are the metaphysical “real McCoy,” not clouded by the ambiguity of our consciousness.
According to Almine, sigils are “packed full of awareness particles,” an idea that resonates with the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto, best-selling author of The Hidden Messages in Water. Although not focused on sigils, Emoto’s work demonstrates that word and image symbols energetically affect the structure of water, specifically its crystallization. Basically, when water is exposed to the positive, beautiful crystals are created, while the negative produces unpleasing, asymmetrical patterns. For example, the spiritual cornerstone words love and gratitude taped over a bottle of water resulted in beautiful, perfect crystals. However, when harmful intent words were used, crystals were ugly or didn’t even form.
Given our bodies consist mostly of water, these findings suggest that our consciousness can have profound effects on our water-based physiology. If the energy behind ambiguous words can exert such an influence, one can only speculate on the influence exerted by precisely defined, power-packed sigils.
As a scientist trained as a chemist, a sigil reminds me of a catalyst that greatly accelerates not a shifting of chemicals to a different state of being but, in this case, consciousness. Through the appropriate use of sigils, illusion-displacing energies can be called in to foster healing at many mind-body-spirit levels.
Independent Insight
According to an independent source, Belvaspata, indeed, has ancient Lemurian roots. It has an energetic that can be helpful with the specific goal and aim of reducing thought, patterns, and distractions until there is a sense of purity of consciousness or simply of being. From this state, many things can outflow, most of which can be quite healing. Used over time, sigils have a useful effect and will connect to many functioning systems, in particular the nadis of the physical body. [Nadis are channels through which life-force, prana energy circulates.]
With Belvaspata-catalyzed shifts in consciousness, our perceptual prison tumbles like the walls of Jericho, and we reestablish at-one-ment with the Divine Ground. This renewed connection with our greater self allows healing energies to flow in. As above, so below, our healed consciousness then percolates into the physical.
– Laurance Johnston, Ph.D.

  • Former Division Director, National Institutes of Health
  • Former Director, Spinal Cord Research & Education Foundation, Paralyzed Veterans of America.
  • Author, Alternative Medicine and Spinal Cord Injury: Beyond the Banks of the Mainstream.
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